Stan left the noisy, crowded metropolis to vacation in the country. He was ready to do some fishing. On the way, however, Stan ended up getting lost.
Thus, Stan drove up to the highest mountaintop. The climate was so much colder up there that his teeth chattered. He parked his RV on the side of the gigantic mountain and stood on the vertex to find help below. He did not like asking for directions. (He had his pride after all.) But the RV was low on gasoline. At least his wife was not around. He especially disliked asking for directions when his wife was with him. Unfortunately, all Stan saw was wilderness, no residents. The area was so thinly populated that he did not see a soul.
Then, Stan scratched his head and looked at his map. He had forgotten to press the RV’s emergency brake after reaching the top. Thus, gravity took its toll. The automobile started rolling downhill. Picking up speed on the route, it rolled into the valley and made several twists and turns. Finally, the RV slowed down and stopped right in front of the lake that Stan was trying to find. He estimated that he had chased the RV for about 10 miles. Stan was so tired from running. He had also gotten the sniffles from the cold mountain air. The RV got pretty beat up, too. Stan could not have been more ecstatic, though. Another successful trip without having to ask for directions, he thought.
Using the clues in the story, what is the meaning of the word gigantic?
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