Here are the correct responses for the questions you've provided:
Question 11: How did Mesopotamia acquire the people they enslaved?
- Response: from war with other areas
- Response: from people who could not pay their debts
Question 12: What trade route passed through the middle of the Kushan Empire?
- Response: the Silk Road
Question 13: What is the Gupta Empire remembered for?
- Response: The Gupta Empire is remembered for its strong military, efficient administration system, and advances in knowledge.
Question 14: The Safavid Empire was located in between two other empires. Using the map, identify and name these two empires.
- Response: the Ottoman and Mughal Empires
Question 15: Based on a comparison of the Zhou and Qin dynasties, when do empires fall?
- Response: when there is a large economic gap between rich and poor
Question 16: What is one development during the Han and Tang dynasties that contributed to the increased population of southern China?
- Response: canal system
Question 17: How did the Silk Road under Emperor Wudi’s control impact Chinese values?
- Response: Confucianism spread throughout Asia.
Question 18: What are the Vedas?
- Response: ancient scriptures based on oral tradition
Question 19: Asoka began to spread Buddhism throughout the Mauryan Empire because he:
- Response: regretted the suffering caused by the massacre of Kalinga.
Question 20: Describe how the Silk Road changed over time.
- Response: The Silk Road changed to reflect changing political borders and power structures.
Question 21: Which statement best describes one long-term effect of trade routes established in early civilizations?
- Response: Islam still has a strong presence in Southeast Asia.
Question 22: What conclusion can be made about the change in gender structures in early India from the early Vedic Period to the late Vedic Period?
- Response: Women became socially isolated through purdah but retained rights to own property.
Question 23: Give 2 examples of push factors of migration.
- Response: Famine
- Response: Ice Ages lead to the land being less habitable
Question 24: The agricultural revolution had which of the following effects leading to cities?
- Response: specialized labor leading to new inventions
- Response: a food surplus and a population boom
Question 25: Which of the following were ways that the Mesopotamians and Egyptians changed their environment to suit their needs?
- Response: The Egyptians and Mesopotamians created irrigation ditches
- Response: They cultivated the fertile soil to grow food
Question 26: Give 2 ways that Mesopotamia's and Egypt's social structure were alike.
- Response: They both utilized slave labor
- Response: They each had a small ruling class and a large unskilled labor class
Question 27: What is the main idea behind the Qin Legalism?
- Response: The state is more important than the individual
Question 28: Which of the following are examples of long-term effects of Arab traders?
- Response: Cultural spread along the Silk Road
- Response: Europeans are introduced to spices
Question 29: Which of the following were virtues extolled by Ban Zhao in early China?
- Response: Subservience
- Response: Cleanliness
Let me know if you need further assistance!