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They like to speak thier home language alot that why they bother some teachers but english help us to communicate easy
If you can not speak english you can cot communicat with
Everyone want to knw all language
english is a means of communication...the are many languages and it quet impossible for one to knw them all
English is the language of opportunity. why to teach indigenous languages?
English dominates indigenous languages like Xitsonga. The fear
remains that this dominance will continue until the indigenous languages are no
longer spoken or written, wen we look global, English is the most spoken language, the most dominant language, some say indigenous languages are not an input in ones life, bcos everything is done in English for understanding and. Forget that indigenous languages are significant, if you don't know you language, you are just like a tree without roots.
remains that this dominance will continue until the indigenous languages are no
longer spoken or written, wen we look global, English is the most spoken language, the most dominant language, some say indigenous languages are not an input in ones life, bcos everything is done in English for understanding and. Forget that indigenous languages are significant, if you don't know you language, you are just like a tree without roots.
English is an international language,any were you go you should go with english because it is an easy communicating language
English can make us excel science. it is also the most commonly used language in books and film industries. imagine if President zuma was to watch a Zulu movie with chines President.
Why English language have lots of opportunity?
To get easy jobs when you understand english
We are learners from poor background we need bursary and we cannot use our Zulu in order to get it
English is the fundamental Language tht helps us to communication
English is the language of opportunity,why bother to teach indigenous language
It is true that English is the language of opportunity and it also true that it is the best language to communicate with because world wide we speak different languages so we find it easy to understand each other using this language but the real motivation come from Knowing your roots, your mother tongue so that you know who you are.
Let us not forget that when the language is lost, culture and identity is also lost.
There are many things why learning English first is to communicate with for example if you visit at hospital and u you don't know the place u are visiting there's a signs on the street n inside at hospital. Signs assist you
English is the language of opportunity why bother to teach indigeneous language