Specific Heats for Several Common Metals J g^-1 °C^-1
AI - 0.903 Cu- 0.385 Fe- 0.449 K- 0.757 Pb- 0.128 Zn- 0.388
b) Which metal requires more heat per gram to warm it up? Explain your answer.
c) Which metal would be the warmest if an equal mass of each metal absorbed the same amount of heat? Explain.
d) How many joules of energy are needed to heat a 125 gram chunk of copper from an initial temperature of 10.0 °C to a final temperature of 95.0 °C?
e) If the same quantity of heat from your answer to (c) is used to heat a 125 gram piece of aluminum initially at 10.0 °C, what will be the final temperature?
f) Does the final temperature you calculated in (d) for the aluminum make sense? Explain.