SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: This is an assignment activity and will require research, critical thinking analysis and evaluation of the researched information to produce a number of required documents


With the onset of technology and the need for more electronic documentation and systems, as well as smaller office space. Your organisation has identified I need to clear out some space in the offices and at the same time free up some electronic space.

Task 1

Do the following:

1. Determine the type of service to be provided.

2. Draft a Terms of Reference for the service to be provided. Ensure to divide the service provisions into the relevant clusters according to the nature of the service and outline the specifications for the possible service providers.

3. Research to find at least 3 x organisations that could provide the service required.

4. Define the method that will be used to source the service providers.

5. Approach the providers researched to request they partake in the process as a form of simulation.

6. Dependent on the method selected in No. 4, send out the enquiry for a proposal.

7. Evaluate the proposals received and decide on a suitable provider based on set criteria.

8. Draft an application/tender for the assessed appropriate service provider.

9. Draft a recommendation of why the selected provider is the most appropriate.

10. Send an email with the recommendation, tender/application to all stakeholders to formalise the decision made to appoint the selected provider.

11. Draft a contract for the selected service provider.

ovide the following as evidence:

1. A Research Report in suitable report format of the information gathered on the service providers. Ensure to follow research report principles and include all relevant elements in the report.

The Terms of Reference document.3. The Proposals received from the providers.

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4. A final report stating the recommendations and all other relevant elements for Stakeholder to show how you came to your decision.

5. Completed contract for the selected supplier

6. Email sent to stakeholders

Task 2

Do the following: Using information gathered and developed from Task 1.

1. Develop a scope of work.

2. Define all the deliverables in a hierarchical WBS

3. Develop a schedule, ensure to create all necessary relationships between tasks

4. Create a hierarchical organisational structure relative to the project

5. Create a budget for the Project.

6. Develop a change control process

Provide the following as evidence: These items may all be collectively put together in one document. Visit www.pmdocs.co.za for suitable templates to use

1. A project plan that includes all elements included in No. 1-6 above.

Task 3

Do the following:

1. Using information from your project. Do an analysis on what it would cost the company if the contractor doesn't deliver on time. You may use any appropriate analysis tool you have learnt about through-out the program or know about.

2. What the causes of non-delivery could be?

3. What can be done to mitigate the causes?

Provide the following as evidence:

1. A report on your analysis done in suitable format of choice.

1 answer

1. Projected financial loss analysis in case of contractor non-delivery.

2. Identification of potential causes of non-delivery.

3. Mitigation plan to address the potential causes of non-delivery.