Please use the same name for your posts.
Spanish explorers first arrived in the Americas
A. In the ninetenth century
B. In the late 1400s
C. In the late 1500s***
D. In the seventeenth century
Is the answer C?
8 answers
Columbus sailed the ocean blue
In fourteen hundred and ninety-two.
In fourteen hundred and ninety-two.
So then b would be the answer?
I am using the same name.
Yes, B is the answer.
Then you and Gwen are using the same computer and asking similar questions.
Then you and Gwen are using the same computer and asking similar questions.
That's my sister and we are not on the same computor.
Ok. You're on the same internet address. Thanks for clarifying this.
We are twins in different classes so I don't know how she has the same questions. Funny though.