Spaceman Spiff’s spacecraft has a warning light that is supposed to switch on when the freem

blasters are overheated. Let W be the event “the warning light is switched on” and F “the freem
blasters are overheated”. Suppose the probability of freem blaster overheating P(F) = 0.1 and
that the light is switched on when they actually are overheated is 0.99, and that there is a 2%
chance that it comes on when nothing is wrong: P(W|F
) = 0.02. Use a probability tree to
support your answer. Determine the probability that the warning light is switched on. Determine
the conditional probability that the freem blasters are overheated, given that the warning light is on

1 answer

og In / FQ(DTY6325) / PV(DAZ4755, DFC4483, DFY9479, DLR5746, DMS4544, DNY6628, DPA2695, DSR6449, DTY6325, DUB4238, DUY5595, DUZ7692, DXG9343, DXR6979)