1. What is the name of the space figure pictured below?
[insert image of a cube]
Answer: Cube
2. What is the name of the space figure pictured below?
[insert image of a sphere]
Answer: Sphere
3. What is the name of the space figure pictured below?
[insert image of a rectangular prism]
Answer: Rectangular Prism
4. What is the name of the space figure pictured below?
[insert image of a cone]
Answer: Cone
5. What is the name of the space figure pictured below?
[insert image of a cylinder]
Answer: Cylinder
6. What is the name of the space figure pictured below?
[insert image of a pyramid]
Answer: Pyramid
7. Find the cross section of the cube below if the plane passes through points A and B.
[insert image of a cube with a plane passing through points A and B]
Answer: Rectangle
8. Find the cross section of the sphere below if the plane passes through its center.
[insert image of a sphere with a plane passing through its center]
Answer: Circle
9. Find the cross section of the rectangular prism below if the plane passes through points A and B.
[insert image of a rectangular prism with a plane passing through points A and B]
Answer: Rectangle
10. Find the cross section of the cone below if the plane is parallel to its base.
[insert image of a cone with a plane parallel to its base]
Answer: Circle
11. Find the cross section of the cylinder below if the plane is perpendicular to its base.
[insert image of a cylinder with a plane perpendicular to its base]
Answer: Rectangle
12. Find the cross section of the pyramid below if the plane is perpendicular to its base.
[insert image of a pyramid with a plane perpendicular to its base]
Answer: Triangle.
Space figures and cross sections practice
1 answer