Source of flow chart for the preparation of lab meat APA referencing style

1 answer

To create an APA reference for a flow chart on the preparation of lab-grown meat, you will typically need to reference the source where you found the flow chart. Since I cannot access external databases or resources, I can guide you on how to format the reference once you have the proper source information.

Here’s a general formula for referencing a chart or diagram from a book or a website in APA style:

If the source is a website:

Format: Author Last Name, First Initial. (Year, Month Day). Title of the page or chart. Website Name. URL

Example: Smith, J. (2023, March 15). Flow chart for the preparation of lab meat. Lab Innovations.

If the source is a book:

Format: Author Last Name, First Initial. (Year). Title of the book. Publisher.

Example: Doe, A. (2022). Modern Biotechnology: The Future of Food. Green Press.

If citing a specific chart within a book, you might also include:

Format: Author Last Name, First Initial. (Year). Title of the chart. In Title of the book (p. page number). Publisher.

Example: Doe, A. (2022). Flow chart for lab-grown meat preparation. In Modern Biotechnology: The Future of Food (p. 45). Green Press.

Make sure to adjust the examples with the correct authors, titles, and publication details according to the source you are referencing. If you provide me with the specific source, I can help format it further.