Source 1 – Citation: McKinnon,

A., & Piccardi, C. (2019).
Climate change and business:
implications for tourism.
Journal of Destination
Marketing & Management, 12,
Source 2 – by Williams and
Dedrick explores how businesses
perceive and respond to the risks
and opportunities of climate
change, highlighting the
importance of innovation and
stakeholder engagement.
Source 3 – by Gretzel et al.
discusses the potential of
smart tourism to support
environmental sustainability
and enhance the tourism
experience for visitors and
Source 4 – by KPMG International
provides a business perspective on
tackling climate change, showcasing
various strategies and examples from
different sectors and regions

Please give as like these for different sources

15 answers

Source 5 - Citation: Jones, P., Hillier, D., &
Comfort, D. (2019). Climate change
adaptation within the
hospitality sector: A systematic
review. Journal of Sustainable
Tourism, 27(2), 135-158.

Source 6 - by Brink et al.
analyzes the role of
sustainable tourism practices in
mitigating the impact of climate
change on delicate ecosystems,
such as coral reefs and
mountainous regions.

Source 7 - by Scott and
Lemieux explores the effects of
climate change on tourism demand
and how destination marketers
can adapt their strategies to
Address these effects.

Source 8 - Citation: UNWTO.
(2019). Tourism and
Biodiversity: Achieving
Sustainable Development Goals.
Madrid, Spain: World Tourism

Source 9 - by Gössling et al.
examines the impact of
aviation on climate change and
proposes various measures,
including green technologies and

Source 10 - by Higham and
Hinch argues for the need to
rethink the current model of
tourism in the face of climate
change, calling for a shift towards
more sustainable and low-carbon
forms of tourism.
Reasons for selecting this source by Brink et al.
analyzes the role of
sustainable tourism practices in
mitigating the impact of climate
change on delicate ecosystems,
such as coral reefs and
mountainous regions. Who:
Who: Brink et al. wrote the source.

What: The source analyzes the role of sustainable tourism practices in mitigating the impact of climate change on delicate ecosystems, such as coral reefs and mountainous regions.

When: The publication date of the source is not provided.

Where: The location of the research is not provided.

How: The authors analyze the available literature on sustainable tourism practices and their impact on delicate ecosystems.

Why: The authors aimed to understand how sustainable tourism practices can contribute to mitigating the impact of climate change on delicate ecosystems, such as coral reefs and mountainous regions.
Reasons for selecting this source by Scott and
Lemieux explores the effects of
Climate change on tourism demand
And how destination marketers
Can adapt their strategies to
Address these effects.

Who: The source is written by Scott and Lemieux.

What: The source explores the effects of climate change on tourism demand and how destination marketers can adapt their strategies to address these effects.

When: The publication date of the source is not provided.

Where: The location of the research is not provided.

How: The authors analyze the available literature on the effects of climate change on tourism demand and provide recommendations for destination marketers to adapt their strategies.

Why: The authors aimed to understand the effects of climate change on tourism demand, as well as to provide recommendations for destination marketers to adapt their strategies to address these effects.
Reasons for selecting this source by Gössling et al.
examines the impact of

aviation on climate change and
proposes various measures,
including green technologies and

Who: The source is written by Gössling et al.

What: The source examines the impact of aviation on climate change and proposes various measures, including green technologies and eco-labeling.

When: The publication date of the source is not provided.

Where: The location of the research is not provided.

How: The authors analyze the available literature on the impact of aviation on climate change and propose various measures, including green technologies and eco-labeling.

Why: The authors aimed to understand the impact of aviation on climate change and to propose measures that can reduce this impact, including green technologies and eco-labeling.
Reasons for selecting this source by Higham and
Hinch argues for the need to
rethink the current model of
tourism in the face of climate
change, calling for a shift towards
more sustainable and low-carbon
forms of tourism.

Who: The source is written by Higham and Hinch.

What: The source argues for the need to rethink the current model of tourism in the face of climate change, calling for a shift towards more sustainable and low-carbon forms of tourism.

When: The publication date of the source is not provided.

Where: The location of the research is not provided.

How: The authors analyze the current model of tourism and its impact on climate change, as well as provide recommendations for a shift towards more sustainable and low-carbon forms of tourism.

Why: The authors aimed to address the urgent need to mitigate the impact of tourism on climate change and to propose a shift towards more sustainable and low-carbon forms of tourism to ensure a sustainable future for tourism.
Main idea A
(common theme between the sources): Source 1 - by Brink et al.
analyzes the role of
sustainable tourism practices in
mitigating the impact of climate
change on delicate ecosystems,
such as coral reefs and
mountainous regions.
Main idea: The sources focus on the impact of climate change on the tourism industry and various measures that can be taken to mitigate this impact. A common theme found across the sources is the urgent need to shift towards more sustainable and low-carbon forms of tourism practices to ensure a sustainable future for the tourism industry, as well as to protect delicate ecosystems affected by climate change. The source by Brink et al. specifically examines the role of sustainable tourism practices in mitigating the impact of climate change on delicate ecosystems, such as coral reefs and mountainous regions.
In points A
A. Climate change and its impact on the tourism industry.
B. Risks and opportunities of climate change perceived by businesses in the tourism industry.
C. The potential of smart tourism to support environmental sustainability and enhance the tourism experience.
D. Business strategies and examples for tackling climate change in various sectors and regions.
E. The role of sustainable tourism practices in mitigating the impact of climate change on delicate ecosystems, such as coral reefs and mountainous regions.
F. Effects of climate change on tourism demand and how destination marketers can adapt their strategies to address these effects.
G. Achieving sustainable development goals in tourism.
H. Impact of aviation on climate change and measures proposed to reduce this impact.
I. The urgent need to shift towards more sustainable and low-carbon forms of tourism practices to ensure a sustainable future for the tourism industry and protect affected delicate ecosystems.
Main idea A
(common theme between the sources): Source 2 – by Scott and
Lemieux explores the effects of
Climate change on tourism demand
And how destination marketers
Can adapt their strategies to
Address these effects.
Main idea: The sources focus on the impact of climate change on the tourism industry and various measures that can be taken to address the effects of climate change on tourism demand. A common theme found across the sources is the urgent need for destination marketers and the tourism industry to adapt their strategies to address the effects of climate change on tourism demand, such as changes in travel patterns, shifts in consumer preferences, and changes to popular tourist destinations. The source by Scott and Lemieux specifically explores the effects of climate change on tourism demand and provides recommendations on how destination marketers can adapt their strategies to address these effects.