Sort these ANGE words into groups in the table below. If they belong in more than one group, write them in each column.

(Arranged, mange, dangerously, manger, strangers, dangerous, angel, range, exchange, change, strange, grange, danger, ranger, strangely, changeable, mangy)


Noun - Singular:
Noun - Plural:
Verb - Present tense:
Verb - past tense:

1 answer

Here’s how the ANGE words can be sorted into the requested categories:

| Noun - Singular | Noun - Plural | Verb - Present tense | Adverb | Adjective | Verb - past tense | |----------------|----------------|----------------------|-------------|-------------|--------------------| | angel | strangers | change | dangerously | dangerous | arranged | | manger | granges | range | strangely | strange | | | danger | | exchange | | changeable | | | ranger | | | | mangy | | | | | | | | |


  • Nouns: "angel," "manger," "danger," "ranger" (singular), and "strangers," "granges" (plural).
  • Verbs in Present Tense: "change," "range," "exchange."
  • Adverbs: "dangerously," "strangely."
  • Adjectives: "dangerous," "strange," "changeable," "mangy."
  • Verb in Past Tense: "arranged" (the only appropriate word).

Note: Some words can fit into multiple categories as specified. For example, “change” is both a noun and a verb.