Sort the words according to the meanings of their shared roots into the category’s of write, cut, born.

A. Section
B. Innate
C. Diagram
D. Bisect
E. Intersect
F. Monogram
G. Dissect
H. Nativity

1 answer

Here is the sorting of the words according to the meanings of their shared roots:


  • A. Section (from the Latin 'sectio', meaning to cut, but also relates to part of a written document)
  • C. Diagram (from the Greek 'diagramma', meaning a drawing or written representation)
  • F. Monogram (from 'mono' meaning single and 'gram' meaning writing)


  • D. Bisect (from 'bi' meaning two and 'sect' meaning cut)
  • E. Intersect (from 'inter' meaning between and 'sect' meaning cut)
  • G. Dissect (from 'dis' meaning apart and 'sect' meaning cut)


  • B. Innate (from Latin 'innatus', meaning born within)
  • H. Nativity (from Latin 'nativitas', meaning birth)

So the categories are:

  • Write: A, C, F
  • Cut: D, E, G
  • Born: B, H