Here is the sorting of the words according to the meanings of their shared roots:
- A. Section (from the Latin 'sectio', meaning to cut, but also relates to part of a written document)
- C. Diagram (from the Greek 'diagramma', meaning a drawing or written representation)
- F. Monogram (from 'mono' meaning single and 'gram' meaning writing)
- D. Bisect (from 'bi' meaning two and 'sect' meaning cut)
- E. Intersect (from 'inter' meaning between and 'sect' meaning cut)
- G. Dissect (from 'dis' meaning apart and 'sect' meaning cut)
- B. Innate (from Latin 'innatus', meaning born within)
- H. Nativity (from Latin 'nativitas', meaning birth)
So the categories are:
- Write: A, C, F
- Cut: D, E, G
- Born: B, H