Conflict is a predictable part of virtually all relationships. It can also be a significant source of stress. Therefore, with most conflicts, it’s important to find a resolution. This seems like a statement of the obvious, but many people suppress their anger or just ‘go along to get along.' They think that by addressing a conflict, they are creating one, and simply keep quiet when upset. Unfortunately, this isn’t a healthy long-term strategy. For one thing, unresolved conflict can lead to resentment and additional unresolved conflict in the relationship. Even more important, ongoing conflict can actually have a negative impact on your health and longevity. (See this piece for more on the detrimental effects of relationship conflict.)
Unfortunately, resolving conflict can be tricky as well. Handled improperly, attempts at conflict resolution can actually make the conflict worse. For example, researcher John Gottman and his colleagues studied the way couples fight, and can actually predict which couples will go on to divorce by observing their conflict resolution skills -- or lack thereof. (Hint: If you’re constantly criticizing your partner’s character, or shutting down during arguments rather than working through conflict in a proactive, respectful way, watch out.)
For those who weren’t born into a family where perfect conflict resolution skills were modeled on a daily basis (and—let’s face it—how many of us were?), here are some guidelines to make conflict resolution more simple and less stressful.
Get In Touch With Your Feelings
An important component of conflict resolution involves only you -- knowing how you feel and why you feel that way. It may seem you’re your feelings should already be obvious to you, but this isn’t always the case. Sometimes we feel angry or resentful, but don’t know why. Other times, we feel that the other person isn’t doing what they ‘should,’ but we aren’t aware of exactly what we want from them, or if it’s even reasonable. Journaling can be an effective way to get in touch with our own feelings, thoughts and expectations so we are better able to communicate them to the other person. Sometimes this process brings up some pretty heavy issues, and psychotherapy can be helpful.
Hone Your Listening Skills
When it comes to effective conflict resolution, how effectively we listen is at least as important as how effectively we express ourselves. It’s vital to understand the other person’s perspective, rather than just our own if we are to come to a resolution. In fact, just helping the other person feel heard and understood can sometimes go a long way toward the resolution of a conflict. Good listening also helps for you to be able to bridge the gap between the two of you, understand where the disconnect lies, etc. Unfortunately, active listening is a skill that not everybody knows, and it’s common for people to think they’re listening, while in their heads they’re actually formulating their next response, thinking to themselves how wrong the other person is, or doing things other than trying to understand the other person’s perspective. It’s also common to be so defensive and entrenched in your own perspective that you literally can’t hear the other person’s point of view. (If this any of this sounds familiar, you may want to read this helpful article on listening skills.)
Practice Assertive Communication
Communicating your feelings and needs clearly is also an important aspect of conflict resolution. As you probably know, saying the wrong thing can be like throwing fuel on a fire, and make a conflict worse. The important thing to remember is to say what’s on your mind in a way that is clear and assertive, without being aggressive or putting the other person on the defensive. One effective conflict resolution strategy is to put things in terms of how you feel rather than what you think the other person is doing wrong, using ‘I feel’ statements. (See this assertiveness training article for more on this, and take this quiz for tips on being more assertive.)
Seek a Solution
Once you understand the other person’s perspective, and they understand yours, it’s time to find a resolution to the conflict -- a solution you both can live with. Sometimes a simple and obvious answer comes up once both parties understand the other person’s perspective. In cases where the conflict was based on a misunderstanding or a lack of insight to the other’s point of view, a simple apology can work wonders, and an open discussion can bring people closer together. Other times, there is a little more work required. In cases where there’s a conflict about an issue and both people don’t agree, you have a few options: Sometimes you can agree to disagree, other times you can find a compromise or middle ground, and in other cases the person who feels more strongly about an issue may get their way, with the understanding that they will concede the next time. The important thing is to come to a place of understanding and try to work things out in a way that’s respectful to all involved. (For more information, see this article on communication skills.)
Know When It’s Not Working
Because of the toll that ongoing conflict can exact from a person, sometimes it’s advisable to put some distance in the relationship, or cut ties completely. In cases of abuse, for example, simple conflict resolution techniques can only take you so far, and personal safety needs to take priority. When dealing with difficult family members, on the other hand, adding a few boundaries and accepting the other person’s limitations in the relationship can bring some peace. In friendships that are unsupportive or characterized by ongoing conflict, letting go may be a great source of stress relief. Only you can decide if a relationship can be improved, or should be let go.
Sometimes conflict can be healthy critically discuss this statement
16 answers
Wolfie -- this is plagiarized. You should have cited your source.
Mr.Sue can you check my answer about music?
This are my own opinions and views and you are free to use what I say (but don't copy directly):
Conflict is very important. Virtually the only way it could be avoided would be if we all had the same mind. Conflict is involved in any and all competition, no matter how friendly. No one could stand up for what they believed in if there was no conflict. A Wrinkle in Time is a good example of this. In the book, there's a planet that is controlled by one evil mind that wants everyone and everything to be the same. There's no conflict, but there's also no individuality or entertainment. To be fair, some conflict is unfortunate. Wars, bullying, and arguments are all unpleasant, but even those can rise from a good cause. So, while conflict is often viewed as wrong, I believe that it's absolutely necessary.
Conflict is very important. Virtually the only way it could be avoided would be if we all had the same mind. Conflict is involved in any and all competition, no matter how friendly. No one could stand up for what they believed in if there was no conflict. A Wrinkle in Time is a good example of this. In the book, there's a planet that is controlled by one evil mind that wants everyone and everything to be the same. There's no conflict, but there's also no individuality or entertainment. To be fair, some conflict is unfortunate. Wars, bullying, and arguments are all unpleasant, but even those can rise from a good cause. So, while conflict is often viewed as wrong, I believe that it's absolutely necessary.
"Sometimes conflict can be healthy".Critically discuss this statement. ...One will be able to express his/her feelings about that particular thing rather,than keeping quite and getting stressed over.
i need a 4 mark answer before tomorrow
Sometimes Conflict can be healthy becouse the end up solving thing between you nd yuur partner or friend
conflicts can be healthy because it enriches our thinking and maintains a relationship with others
Conflict can be healthy because people are able to express they are feelings and it's make relationship between two to be strong only if it's so resolved
Conflict can be good because you get to know the does and don'ts of in the relationship. And you will make sure you never do it again
Sometimes conflict can be healthy because the matter can be resolved and there would be a solution for that. In most case we get to know one another better
It maintains relationships with others and people are able to Express their feelings rather than being silent...conflict can be healthy because it makes you realize the wrong from the how you can become a stronger person
Conflict makes you to understand one's feelings and emotions in what you are arguing about
Conflicts are indications if individual differences. People who are in conflict with others are not necessarily bad or rude since there will be instances that people will not understand you the way your friends and family does. Having been in conflict with them will either push them away from you or pull them closer to see what you have to offer since they were challenged by your strong personality. This is i think the healthy part of having conflicts. People were given the chance to prove themselves and later realize that the conflict is just a petty thing. Conflicts between husbands and wives are much understandable since without these conflicts their relationship will not be stronger. In this manner , the reality of conflicts being a healthy stuff is agreeable. Because strong bonds are borne out of conflicts and trials that were bore by two individual couples who kept on struggling just to make the relationship works. The same is true with friendships. There are times that friends do not agree with each other, they criticized each other to the point that they are having real conflicts with their relationship as friends. But, this conflict is not for keeps especially when they are beginning to see the truthfulness and sincerity of what they both wanted to emphasize with each other.
Conflict can’t survive if no one will participate in it. It is quite true that sometimes its healthy to be in a conflict with someone. It is because when you have a conflict with someone or rather you argue with them you might come to a conclusion which somehow enlightens your heart and your feelings and makes things more clear and visionary.