We can't do much graphing here. I am wondering exactly what you want to know? A tutorial?
Secondly, I am wondering why on three simplex posts you put different names on each post? What do you think instructors think when the see multiple questions from the same person, but with different names on them, with NO work or amplification?
Solve the LP using graphical method
Maximize p = 30x + 40y subject to
x + y <= 90
4x + 2y <= 150
50x + 100y <= 4500
x>=0, y>=0
Enter the answers(numbers only) in the order p, x, y
3 answers
i actually don't understand ua complain
so do you mean to say that i have to first draw the graph to be able to answer the question?
i dnt know the rest
i actually don't understand ua complain
so do you mean to say that i have to first draw the graph to be able to answer the question?
i dnt know the rest