sin^2 x - 2sinx - 1 = 0
use the quadratic formula to solve, your answer will be in radians.
I got sinx = 1-√2 or sinx = 1+√2 (too big, sine has to be ≤ 1)
from sinx = 1-√2 = -.4142 x must be in quad III or IV
related acute angle in radians is .427
in III x = .427 + pi = 3.569
in IV x = 2pi - .427 = 5.856
can you take it from here?
Solve the given triginometric equation analytically. Use values of of x for 0 less than or equal to x less than 2pi
sin^2x - 2sinx = 1
How do I get towards the answer of 3.569, 5.856
Thank you again
1 answer