Solve as many as you can
1 pure honey goes with a French wine, Boast about this , then, that’s just fine!
2 a nation here we now may learn, for something they must long or yearn.
3 a musical instrument, now, that’s right, then add a grin, or ray of light.
4 to a letter a drink you must add, a place to play tennis, can’t be bad.
5 a flat, unsweetened cake, I mean, to this you add a Scottish stream.
6 the archangel into harbour goes, is unwell then a letter shows.
7 Jacob’s son, in short, adds a letter, with small particle of dust, that’s better
8 to a month you add a letter, with noise cats make, its even better.
9 a religious man, a musical scale, in a perplexing game, don’t fail.
10 mix things with spoon, then heather add, span a gap now, can’t be bad.
11 a child’s toy, now, in short don’t fail, with Israeli tribe and offspring, male.
12 to window ledge a letter add, then a colour, can’t be bad.
13 a legal document or deliberate intent, with noise that cattle make, that’s meant.
14 grass or clover, cut and dried, see, a bee might do this to you and me.
15 a furniture item that might treasure hold, then edible kernel of fruit type, we’re told.
16 flat surfaces or woodwork tools, an Old Testament patriarch now rules.
17 a sailor’s bed, hesitate you might, a mountain small will make it right.
18 you should first find an American quail, then water source and country find, don’t fail.
19 cause a death, and add a letter, a starting handle, plus letter, that’s better.
20 in prostate position, down on the ground, a shortage of something now you have found.
21 an untruth now above a letter, with a loud, harsh sound, that’s better.
22 a grass-like plant, found on wet ground, can increase quite a lot, I found.
23 think things over on a Scottish isle, then add a hat of close-fitting style.
24 feeling ill, just add a letter, secure a ship to make it better.
25 a vehicle on the sheltered side, a disciple next, you shouldn’t hide.
26 reduce the size of flock or herd, exclaim, a lions lair occurred.
27 an Australian female now is heard, with Chinese dynasty and male bird.
28 spoil a can, evaluate a match, he speaks, and has a letter to catch.
29 a woman who might magic do, mist in the air, add letter too.
30 iron your clothes with heavy weight, then cooking vessels would be great.
to help solve these there are 10 famous people, 10 trees and 10 battles.
please number your answers so people don’t repeat them and enjoy solving them
1 answer