Solutions of NiSO4(aq), Al2 (SO4)3 (aq),

CoSO4 , and SnSO4 (aq) are in bottles labelled A, B, C, and D.

a) Design an experiment to identify which ionicsulfate solution is in which bottle. Give a list of
equipment and chemicals required. Describe
a step-by-step procedure for conducting the experiment

b) Explain why an activity series is required to identify each unknown substance

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I recommend color for Ni. The Al and Sn are colorless while most Ni solutions are green or blue. Co solutions are pink to blue. Remember that Al is amphoteric; i.e., it forms a white gelatinous ppt with NaOH which dissolves in an excess.
Ni forms a hydroxide also but it isn't colorless and doesn't dissolve in an excess of NaOH. Be careful, Sn is white and can be dissolved in an excess.