1. Soil provides essential nutrients for plant growth. Plants absorb nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium from the soil to support their growth and development.
2. Soil serves as a medium for anchoring plant roots, providing stability and support for plants to grow upright.
3. Soil stores and regulates water, making it available for plants to absorb through their roots. This helps plants survive during periods of drought.
4. Soil acts as a habitat for a diverse range of microorganisms, insects, and other soil-dwelling organisms that play important roles in nutrient cycling, decomposition, and soil health.
5. Soil provides shelter and protection for animals living underground, such as burrowing animals like worms, moles, and ground-dwelling insects.
6. Soil serves as a food source for many animals, including those that feed on plants, insects, and other soil-dwelling organisms.
7. Soil also plays a crucial role in supporting biodiversity by providing a diverse range of habitats for plants and animals to thrive in.
Soil is an important resource because so many of Earth’s living organisms depend on it. List all the ways soil is a resource for plants and animals.
3 answers
3 list
1. Soil provides essential nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, for plant growth.
2. Soil anchors plant roots, providing stability and support for plants to grow upright.
3. Soil serves as a habitat for a diverse range of microorganisms, insects, and other soil-dwelling organisms that play important roles in nutrient cycling and soil health.
2. Soil anchors plant roots, providing stability and support for plants to grow upright.
3. Soil serves as a habitat for a diverse range of microorganisms, insects, and other soil-dwelling organisms that play important roles in nutrient cycling and soil health.