I think that some changes come slowly when they involve changing deep-seated or physiological change. The prohibition on smoking, for example, had to fight smokers' psychological and physical addiction. Gradually over the last 25 years, many smokers have given up this habit. Non-smokers have become more vocal about second hand smoke as they've become accustomed to clean air. Another gradual change has been in the size of homes. Many factors, mostly economic has affected this change. Check this site for more details.
Rapid change involves fashions and fads. We don't have much physical, emotional, or economic energy invested in fashions, so we, especially young people, can quickly adopt the new changes.
Social change and behavior can happen rather quickly or slowly. For example, what was deviant or unusual years ago may be considered normal or acceptable today (i.e., piercing or tattoos) or once was normal is now not (i.e., smoking in restaurants).
Provide an example of a slow change and a quick change in the American culture over the past 25 years. What are possible reasons that some social changes occur more quickly and other social changes receive resistance? What agents of socialization may contribute to social changes?
2 answers
Here are a couple of examples to think on:
Slow change: What kids do on dates, and the role of automobile in that change
Fast change: Kennedy's speech: "Ask not what you can do for your country, but ask...." look that up. That was the agent, the change was apparent in the Peace Corps, and in volunteering for social service actions locally.
Slow change: What kids do on dates, and the role of automobile in that change
Fast change: Kennedy's speech: "Ask not what you can do for your country, but ask...." look that up. That was the agent, the change was apparent in the Peace Corps, and in volunteering for social service actions locally.