so in the world history book for 8th grade it says that the roman republic had it's own constitution, which was a written set of guidelines we can say as laws. but it was not ratified, as in it was not approved of. I know to make something a constitution doesn't it have to be ratified. also to top it off the roman republic's constitution thing was not organized so that's what i'm stuck on. i'll give you my question to how i got that question and my answer.

women can vote
My answer: United States

representative democracy
My answer: United States

government included separation of powers
my answer: United States

government structured by a constitution
my answer: United States

part of government like an oligarchy
my answer: Roman Republic and United States

oh and this is comparing modern day united states with the roman republic.

10 answers

I've never read about a written constitution in connection with the Roman Republic. Read this carefully:

If you need more information, just go to and enter "roman republic"

I agree with your choices for 1 and 4 (and maybe 5!). Please re-think the others, including 5.
but here what if i said on number two that it's roman republic and the united states
do you agree with this?
Yes, now you have the second question right. Good.
also on 3 i think both bc um... the roman republic had three, lets see not branches but ... well yes branches um... legislative assembly, consuls or magistrates, and the Senate.
am i correct
Yes, now #3 is right.
no, i think im correct on number 5 that one makes sense.
In my opinion, 5 can go either way. I don't have your text, though, so make sure you re-read it to be sure of this one.
alright well it seems like im all finished. again thank you so much for all your help im going to let you do your thing um... bye i guess✌
hey, i got # two wrong and all the ones you said that we correct but that's ok