so i'm still stuck with my essay on "The most dangerous game" i have information for irony, a bit of setting but what does chronological text structure mean?

13 answers

In the short story, “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell, the author uses setting details to create suspense in the story. The story takes places in a tropical island in the Caribbean Sea known as “Ship-Trap Island.” An island where Sailors have a curious dread. The author then reveals another setting “the jungle” where Rainsford will later discover he will be running through and try escaping Zaroff insane persona. Walking along the shore Rainsford find himself face to face with an enormous building where later on he meets General Zaroff. The chosen name used for the island are what makes the island more suspenseful. “Ship-trap island” gives it away; that somewhere along that line sailors get trap in the island with no escape.

do this answer the question:

explain how the author'c choices create suspense in the story. "the most dangerous game" which right now i'm, doing setting detail
In “The Most Dangerous Game” the author’s use of irony is a main factor to build suspense in the story. In the short story while talking to Whitney, Rainsford explains to Whitney “ The world is made up of two classes--the hunters and the huntees.” After falling into the sea and uncovering the mansion-like building where he meets General Zaroff; which at first is a marvelous host he uncovers the truth when he find out that General Zaroff despite his well-mannered and good looks is actually a homicide. Although General Zaroff repeatedly denies it. When General Zaroff gives Rainsford more details toward his “game” Rainsford knows he will be the next target. Throughout the chase where General Zaroff is playing his game with Rainsford; Rainsford finds out how it feels to be the jaguar, the jaguar fearing pain and death. Not knowing the outcome with Rainsford, if he will survive or not, this creates tension and suspense to the reader.
now i just need chronological text structure
Overall Connell makes very interesting details toward his story. He is able to catch the readers attention by irony, setting details, and chronological text structure. Making the reader wonder the outcome that will happen every step of the way.
Please tell me again what your thesis statement is?


In your last post here (conclusion?), this makes no sense: "...makes very interesting details toward his story." Frankly, I'd delete the first sentence in your last post here and replace "He" with the author's last name. You could even keep "Overall" in there, but you need to get rid of the stuff that makes no sense! The last "sentence" isn't a sentence at all; it's a sentence fragment, and needs to be fixed.
my thesis is The Merriam-Websters defines suspense as “a feeling or state of nervousness or excitement caused by wondering what will happen.” In “The Most Dangerous Game,” by Richard Connell, the author’s use of choice of setting details, selection of a chronological text structure, and, most of all, irony create suspense in the story.
That doesn't follow any of Writeacher's advice about thesis statements.

1. You've posted two sentences.
2. Your statements are not arguable.
ok what about the rest?
the merriam....story" is my introduction and thesis
As I told you before, this is your thesis statement: In “The Most Dangerous Game,” by Richard Connell, the author’s use of choice of setting details, selection of a chronological text structure, and, most of all, irony create suspense in the story.
Your paragraph on setting includes good information and details. It's very rough, though, and you need to work on all of the following:

~ make sure there are no fragments
~ make sure all subjects and verbs match (singular subject with singular verb; plural, with plural)
~ make sure any possessive nouns are correctly spelled
Your paragraph on irony has too much narrative in it without zeroing in on the ironic parts. In this paragraph, you need to skip the story re-telling and concentrate on the irony.

You also need to check for the specific corrections that I listed above.

The paragraph on chronological structure needs to be your third paragraph, not the one that is placed right before the conclusion. Don't bother trying to write the conclusion until ALL of the other paragraphs are finished.
ok so the only thing i need to do i rewrite the irony, chronological texture, and the conclusion

and fix the setting fragment, etc.