So I'm doing a project called Equality Matters. I decided to try and use my writing abilities to help me. Can you check this poem?
To Be Who You Are Meant To Be:
Equality Matters
People tell me to be who I want
And to be what I need
So whats wrong if I'm an LGBT?
No one understands what equality means
To me its being who you're meant to be
Even though I'm not straight
My friends and family still think I'm great
I'm taking a chance to show the truth
I'm on of of the LGBT youth
I want to spread the value
Of you just being you
This is strictly opinion, but do you think it gets my point across in a professional manner?
8 answers
I'm only 13, so I know it's not great. I'd also like some pointers if possible.
It's excellent!!
Ms. Sue, are there any sites that may help me with my project?
If you want to continue this poem, you could point out that you can think, work, and do everything else that straight people do. People must accept this and work and play along side everyone.
OKay, thank you so much Ms. SUe.
You're very welcome. You might also mention marriage should be between two people who love each other.
I know it's literally over 7 years later, but I really love this poem. It shows that you can be young, but still be a part of the LGBT community!