So, if I spend about 5-6 minutes planning what else would I write except for a couple of bullet points about my two main examples? Would it just be this:

ex1: _____
ex2: _____
Is that it?
Also, I think I need help as Mr. Pursley indicated earlier, in sentence structure. I have never been an amazing English or writing student- so any sort of website or even basic tips on how to condense my writing would really help. Thank you both so much.

1 answer

You need to end up with a minimum of 4 paragraphs, 5 would be better:

1. Intro -- about 4 sentences; 4th sentence is your thesis statement

2. Full paragraph (7-8 sentences) developing one of your main points

3. Full paragraph (7-8 sentences) developing one of your main points

4. Concl -- about 4 sentences, echoing your conclusion and making your final point.

Go here:

Go into the Essay and Research Paper section and read the section called STRUCTURAL CONSIDERATIONS. Read all the other parts, too, if you can.