so i was cleaning my bathroom and mixed bleach and ommonia it stung so much and i had black outs after for over 5 months i told the doc they dont listen what do i do and why did it sting
1 answer
Ammonia (that's the correct spelling for NH3) and bleach (a dilute --usually about 6% or so NaOCl) produces several potentially toxic products but the main product is chloramine. This is an irritant, it can be dangerous if inhaled excessively. The best thing to do is NEVER mix cleaning agents. The next best thing, if you do, is to open the windows, turn on the exhaust fan and get away from the vapors until the stuff has cleared the room. By itself, bleach, if it's chlorine bleach, can burn the skin. Some people are more sensitive than others. You may want to go on line with Google and type in "bleach + ammonia" without the parentheses. Some of the articles there will scare you out of your wits; others will minimize the problem so you must read all of them with a little skepticism. In general, however, mixing cleaning agents is a no no and if you get caught in a situation that you describe then get out of the room and don't breathe the vapors. Treat cleaners, especially bathroom cleans, with respect.