So I have to do this project on simple machines. The invention we need to make should have at least 2 simple machines on it. We also have to draw it on posterboard and write a paragraph about it. One more thing is that it must make a person's life easier and we have to present it as if we are selling it in a comericial. My invention is called the ToyPicker 3000. It has a lever to turn it on, a wheel and axle and screws. It also has other objects that are not simple machines which are extendable tubes, a solar panal, buttons that change the length and width of the tubes, the lever oves to 2 different section which are off and on which only works when the solar panals are getting light and lastly the main base that has all of the objects on it. I want to know if this invention is a good idea or not.
PS: Sorry that there is a lot are writing on this page. :(