So I don't have a question I just wanted to wish all of the Jiskha tutors a very Happy Thanksgiving!

All of the Students that use this site really appreciate all of the help. Thanks you all for checking our questions, and explaining materials to us when we don't quite understand. I use Jiskha when I need someone to double check my answers for me, and the Tutors are always there to help me if I get something wrong. All of you could chose to spend your time doing something else but you all chose to help students, even though you don't have to, you do, so thank you for choosing to spend your time helping us when need it.

I hope all of you are having a very Happy Thanksgiving!

4 answers

also I put this under math To get you to read it. :)
LOL!! Thank you very much, Swimmer Girl. I think we all feel rewarded when we can help students.

And Happy Thanksgiving to you, too.
Thanks for letting us know. That always helps. Yes, all of us have other things to do but we do this because it's in our blood. I think putting this under math was clever.
Thanks, the math part made me look too.

Even though we already celebrated our Thanksgiving a month ago up here in Canada, I want to wish all the US students and tudors a Happy Thanksgiving.