SMC Company manufactures ergonomic office equipment. SMC is located in a small Midwestern town of 30,000 people with a current unemployment rate of 2.2%. The owner is committed to keeping the organization local. Several local companies have experienced recent labor organizing activities. The racial demographic makeup of SMC is 90% white, while the local labor market population is approximately 40% minority. The CEO and five directors are white males. The only female supervisor works in the customer service department. SMC employs 100 employees currently, but due to increased demand, output needs to be increased by 100%. All of the employees in manufacturing, customer service, and operations have a minimum of a high school education or GED

1 answer

You have provided a description of the existing employment and demographic situation, but have not asked a question. You probaby do not have to double the number of employees to double the output. The company needs to look for ways to improve productivity, not just hire more people.