Slow Food vs. Fast Food

Why is it better to buy local products for slow food?

This is one of my bullets for an English essay.. I just need some guidance on how to set this up and main points.

3 answers

First brainstorm about what YOU think. Why should we buy local products for slow food?

If you post your ideas, we'll be glad to help you develop your essay.
Support local farming

Reasonable distance so it doesn't travel as far

Those are my 2 ideas so far
The produce is fresher and tastes better than if it had traveled long distance.

Buying locally grown food also helps the local economy.

I love fresh tomatoes and only buy them when they're in season in Michigan -- mid-August to mid-September. The grocery store chains here did not carry any locally grown tomatoes this year, so my business went to the locally owned farmers' markets.

Now you need a thesis statement. Maybe something like this: People should buy locally produced food whenever possible.

Main points:

* Support local farming

* Reasonable distance so it doesn't travel as far

* The produce is fresher and tastes better than if it had traveled long distance.

* Buying locally grown food also helps the local economy.