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Pencil It In
A red pencil sits next to a weekly planner.A big part of organizing your math studies is taking an active role and becoming familiar with all of the aspects of your math course. You will encounter the following resources during your studies in Math 7.
Teachlet® Tutorials
These interactive presentations allow you to engage in meaningful practice and receive immediate feedback. You can watch a Teachlet tutorial as many times as needed. It is a good idea to take notes on the topics covered in the Teachlet tutorials for future reference.
Online Practice
Many lessons in your Math 7 courses will include online practice sets. These practices will help you know whether you have mastered the content of the lesson and are ready to take an assessment on it. They will also let your teacher know how you are progressing with the new content. If you earn a below satisfactory score on a practice assessment, be sure to review the lesson, look for other resources to support your learning, and/or reach out to your Learning Coach or teacher for help.
Online Textbook
The online textbook is an invaluable resource for instruction and practice problems. But that is not all. Within the online textbook you have access to the answers to selected problems, the Skills Handbook for reviewing concepts from previous courses, and an illustrated glossary of key terms from the textbook. Each of these resources can provide a way to reinforce your learning, which is an important part of being an active learner.
Sample Work
From time to time your teacher may request a sample of your work to verify that you are on track with your progress. This will give you an opportunity to showcase your progress or ask for help with a specific topic.
Interactive Tools
In your backpack, you will find links to two interactive learning tools. In the Web Links folder, there is a link to the Virtual 2-D/3-D Shapes tool. Using this tool, you can explore and manipulate 2-D shapes, either on a grid or a plain surface. This same tool can also be used to explore 3-D shapes, their nets, and flat surfaces.

In the same location in the course backpack, there is also a link to the Virtual Geoboard. This is a valuable resource for exploring the concepts of area and perimeter on three different sized peg boards. There are tutorials to help you make use of these two interactive resources.
Before each unit test, you will have a chance to reflect on your work in the unit and determine your readiness for the assessment. This pause to reflect can be helpful as you identify where to spend the most time reviewing for a test. You will also have the opportunity to reflect on yourself as a learner and as a mathematician.

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Adding Up to 100 Percent
A student studies in the park.Another way to own your learning, besides taking control of available resources, is to understand how your grade is calculated. The percentages assigned to the various assessment types in this course add up to 100 percent. Becoming familiar with the types of assessments and their weights will help you understand the impact each has on your grade. Here are the Grade Book weights for Math 7:•discussions – 5%
•participation – 5%
•portfolio items – 15%
•quick checks – 5%
•quizzes – 20%
•tests – 50%
How do you use this information about Grade Book weights? There is no single answer to that question, but consider that the average of all quiz grades contributes 20 percent of your grade. Recognizing that quizzes carry greater weight than quick checks and cover more material may prompt you to spend additional time studying for quizzes.
CA Logo Tip: Early on, your Grade Book average will not include every type of assessment and may not be representative of your progress. For example, if you have only completed several lessons in one unit in the course, portfolio assessments, discussion assessments, and unit tests are not yet contributing to your overall grade.

The grade weights in your course may vary slightly from these values. Refer to your Grade Book.

Reflect on Learning
Taking time to reflect on your progress throughout a math unit and how resources tie into the process can increase your learning potential. There are various informal ways to do this. For example, if there is one lesson that you do not feel confident about, investigate how that lesson fits in with the others. How is that lesson related to another lesson you feel more confident about? What tools did you use to succeed in that lesson?

Another way to reflect on your learning is to explain a concept to someone else. Talk with your Learning Coach or a family member about the skills and concepts you are working on in the unit. Show them the resources you used to solve a problem.

And finally, monitor your own progress by reviewing your notes and being aware of how confident you feel with the different topics. Spend more time on those topics you do not yet understand by revisiting Teachlet tutorials, reviewing feedback from online practices, and using previously mentioned resources found in the online textbook and course backpack.

1. Which of the following assessment types has the greatest effect on your overall grade?
quick check

2.Which of the following assessment types has the least effect on your overall grade?
portfolio item
sample work submission***

3.Which resource provides an opportunity to evaluate your readiness for a major assessment?
Teachlet Tutorial
illustrated glossary
Virtual Geoboard

4.Which resource provides feedback to you and your on your work with problems within a lesson?
online practice***
Teachlet Tutorial
textbook answer key

12 answers

I agree with your responses, from the notes provided.
Even on 2 ( I didn't get that one) it doesn't tell the percentage of the sample work
And just to say if I get 1 wrong Ill get a 75%! This is for connections academy!
2.Which of the following assessment types has the least effect on your overall grade?
portfolio item
sample work submission***
test <<<<
" •quick checks – 5%" Quick check means pop tests, and going to do a sample problem, in a classroom, at the board, or on a slate. Online, it can mean working a sample.
What school do you go to ? Just curious...
Im trying to get to my 7th grade teacher (Angela Finely) but she wont answer
and since it is the second day of school, this would be my first math grade. Example: if I make a 3/4 my math score will be a 75 and the rest of my grades are A's
Bobpursley is a retired chemistry instructor.
Ms Sue can you help me plz?
I can't add anything to bobpursley's answer.
No the correct answers are 1.D 2.C 3.A 4.A Plus I just took the test.