Slide 1: Create a slide that contains an appropriate, descriptive title and a table that summarizes the expected results from your PCR activity.

Make sure these are the predicted results, even if they differ from the actual results from gel electrophoresis.
Refer to Table 6-4 of Exercise 6 in your lab manual (page 209).
DO NOT just copy Table 6-4.
DO NOT include all of the information from the table.
Evaluate which information in Table 6-4 is appropriate for this part of the assignment.
Check yourself using the rubric for this assignment.
Any unnecessary information that is included will result in a deduction.
Use specimen IDs (do not use generic terms such as sample/unknown #1, #2, etc).
Don't include "?" as expected results for Wolbachia for your insect specimen.
You made a prediction based on the literature. What do you expect based on your prediction?
Slide 2: Create a slide that contains a labeled figure of your gel that you began creating in Part five of Exercise 7B in lab (directions on page 262). To do this, take your gel picture and edit it in Powerpoint to include the following information on the slide for full credit:

an appropriate, descriptive title (Hint: Again, “Gel Electrophoresis Results” is NOT informative!)
an enlarged, clear view of the original gel image
gel image may need to be cropped to focus only on your group’s samples (remove the wells)
gel image should fill most of the slide
gel image may require adjustment of brightness and contrast to enhance visualization of weaker bands: very bright bands contrasting with a dark background looks better than bands that are just barely brighter than the background.
lanes are properly labeled
ladder is properly labeled
sizes of at least a few key bands (but not all bands) are indicated, including appropriate units for DNA fragments
insect and Wolbachia bands are clearly indicated in the controls, including the organisms, gene target names and sizes of actual sizes of bands including appropriate units (provided by your instructor -- not your calculated sizes).
type of gel (i.e., what % of agarose) and voltage used for electrophoresis are indicated.
Since you worked on this figure with your partner in lab, you can submit the same gel figure slide. However, all other slides in this assignment are to be completed individually for full credit.
Slide 3: Create a slide that includes the prediction, the evaluation of the prediction, and the relevance of the data to what is already known.

Include an appropriate, descriptive title.
Answer the question, "Did your data support your prediction or not?"
Remember that you cannot "prove" your prediction!
Compare your results to the information that you found about Wolbachia infection in your insect Order in the peer-reviewed literature and in the local collection data (from Exercise 3).
Compare your results to the Wolbachia infection prevalence in your insect Order from the class data (from Exercise 7B, part 2).
Slide 4: Create a slide that includes a detailed reflection that describes at least one benefit of your individual experience in this lab course.

Include an appropriate, descriptive title.
This is your opportunity to provide a thoughtful, unique reflection on your experience working through the Wolbachia project in this course. Please do not say “I need to improve my pipetting.”
This reflection should be a statement that you could NOT have made at the beginning of the semester.
For example, DO NOT include something vague like...
"learned the real process of science"
"did hands on lab work"
DO NOT WRITE A PARAGRAPH. No one wants to read a paragraph on a PowerPoint slide, ever. Make concise, bulleted points just like in all of the other slides!

1 answer

Slide 1: Expected PCR Results for Wolbachia Infection Detection

Title: Summary of Expected PCR Product Sizes for Specimen IDs

| Specimen ID | Expected Product Size (bp) | Gene Target | |------------------|-------------------------------|-------------------------| | Specimen A | 600 | Wolbachia 16S rRNA | | Specimen B | 320 | Wolbachia 16S rRNA | | Specimen C | 600 | Wolbachia 16S rRNA | | Specimen D | 320 | Wolbachia 16S rRNA |

Slide 2: Gel Electrophoresis Results of PCR Products

Title: Gel Electrophoresis Results for Specimen Wolbachia Detection

  • [Insert enlarged gel image here, cropped to focus on group’s samples]
  • Gel Type: 2% Agarose
  • Voltage Used: 120V
  • Lane 1: Ladder (sizes indicated)
  • Lane 2: Specimen A - 600 bp (Wolbachia)
  • Lane 3: Specimen B - 320 bp (Wolbachia)
  • Lane 4: Specimen C - 600 bp (Wolbachia)
  • Lane 5: Specimen D - 320 bp (Wolbachia)
  • Key Band Sizes Indicated:
    • 600 bp for Specimen A and C
    • 320 bp for Specimen B and D

Slide 3: Evaluation of PCR Predictions

Title: Evaluation of PCR Predictions for Wolbachia Detection

  • Prediction Supported? Mixed results; some specimens matched expected sizes.
  • Literature Comparison: Expected prevalence of Wolbachia in Order X aligns with Specimen A and C results.
  • Class Data Comparison: Wolbachia prevalence observed in our class data is consistent with findings in local collection data from Exercise 3.

Slide 4: Reflection on Lab Experience

Title: Personal Reflection on Laboratory Experience

  • Developed critical analytical skills through data evaluation.
  • Improved teamwork and communication while collaborating on PCR techniques.
  • Gain a deeper understanding of molecular ecology and bacterial interactions.
  • Enhanced my problem-solving skills in troubleshooting experimental setups.