Slangs and chants that can be used as a chair person at a children’s sabbath

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1. "Hands in the air, let's all say a prayer!"
2. "Who's ready to praise, let me hear you raise!"
3. "When I say 'Jesus,' you say 'Christ'! Jesus... Christ!"
4. "Clap your hands, stomp your feet, let's make a joyful noise, let's all repeat!"
5. "Hallelujah, praise the Lord, let's worship together, in one accord!"
6. "God is good, all the time, let's shout it out, let our voices chime!"
7. "From the youngest to the oldest, let's give thanks, let's be the boldest!"
8. "If you're happy and you know it, say 'Amen'!"
9. "Jesus loves me, this I know, let's all sing it, let our faith show!"
10. "Thank you, Lord, for this day, let's worship and praise, in every way!"