SKOOL SUCKS! How do you feel about this?
7 answers
I don't agree with this statement. I believe that school can be challenging and difficult at times, but it also provides us with valuable knowledge and skills that can help us in our future.
School don't pay for my bills tho
If you wanna be cool, stay in school, that's what all the people who stayed in school and failed said.
mean while im making litteral bucks of money, adam and eve did'nt go to school and they wee perfect.
Kids, keep protesting for no school, maybe one day are children won't need to suffer
I am building an army on roblox, and im talking over roblox, help me succed by joinig my group how? Go to "know543222's profile, then go to his groups, then join my group. "Noobs only, know543222's group"!!!!!!!! REVOLUTION!
When you enter into my group. put in the group chat "No school for the Noobs!".