If you really mean sine of zero, it is 0 forever. However if you mean sine of theta let theta go from zero to 360 degrees or 2 pi radians
It will start out at 0 when theta = 0
it will be -3 at theta = pi/2 or 90 degrees
it will be zero at theta = pi or 180 degrees
it will be +3 at theta = 3 pi/2 or 270 degrees
it will be 0 when theta = 2 pi or 360 degrees.
You can also do in between points of course.
sketch one cycle of y=-3 sin 0
i know you guys wouldnt be able to draw it for me on here, but is this able to do on a graphing calculator, or could u explain the steps needed to do this problem?
thanks in advance
1 answer