sing the proper average, find the average number of grams of fat per ounce of meat or fish that a person would consume over a 5-day period if he ate these:

3 oz fried shrimp 3.33 g/oz of fat
3 oz veal cutlet 3.00 g/oz of fat
2 oz roast beef 2.5 g/oz of fat
2.5 oz fried chicken drumstick 4.40 g/oz of fat
4 oz tuna 1.75 g/oz of fat

1 answer

3 * 3.33 = 9.99 g
3 * 3.00 = 9.00
2 * 2.50 = 5.00
2.5 * 4.4 = 11.00
4 * 1.75 = 7.00

Total grams of fat = 41.99

41.99 / 14.5 = 2.899 average grams of fat per ounce