Since the of a female doctor by a group of Pakistani soldiers on January 2, 2005, in a hospital located on the largest natural gas production facility in Sui, Baluchistan, numerous attacks have increased which have lead to a confrontation between the parliamentary forces of Pakistan and the local Bugtis, one of the largest Baluch tribes (Freedom House). Approximately 1,568 “terrorist” attacks occurred through April 3, 2005. However the attacks were not limited to tribal areas but have instead targeted Pakistani armed forces and Chinese nationals working on regional projects in the province of Baluchistan (Freedom House). These development projects have further fueled the tension between Baluch people and the federal government (Akhtar 73). Thus, Baluch people feel that the development projects will only benefit Pakistan and the neighboring and regional countries and thus undermine the Baloch territory (Gare 4).
1 answer
Why the quotation marks around "terrorist"? If the word is not being quoted from something in specific, then delete the quotation marks.
Comma after "However"
Comma after "areas"
You have "thus" twice in that last sentence. Replace one of them with another word. You can use to find a synonym.