Here’s how the points can be sorted into "evidence" and "inference":
- Wegener suggested there was a fit of the South American and African continents.
- The occurrences of unusual geologic structures and plant and animal fossils found on the matching coastlines of South America and Africa, which were then separated by the Atlantic Ocean. Wegener reasoned that it was physically impossible for most of these organisms to swim or be transported across the ocean.
- Confirmation of repeated reversals of the Earth magnetic field in the geologic past.
- Radiometric dating of the Earth's crust has found that crust in areas where there is sea floor spreading is the youngest crust on Earth.
- Plate movements over periods of months to decades have been measured directly using extremely precise positioning equipment. Plate movements over millions of years can be estimated from seafloor spreading rates.
This sorting indicates which points were established as measurable or observable evidence versus those that were inferred interpretations based on that evidence.