Step 1: Multiply the coefficients.
Step 2: Add to simplify the exponents.
Step 3: Do not change the exponent.
Step 4: 1 * 10 ^ 5
Final Answer: 1.0 * 10^5
Simplify this expression and put your final answer in Scientific Notation:
(5 x 10^6) x (2 x 10^-2) (4 points)
Step 1: _____ the coefficients.
Step 2: _____ to simplify the exponents
Step 3: _____to change into Scientific Notation.
Step 4: _____is the simplified answer.
Word Bank:
Step 1: Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide
Step 2: Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide
Step 3: Add to the exponent, Subtract from the exponent, Do not change the exponent
Step 4: 2.5 * 10 ^ 4, 7.0 * 10 ^ 4, 1 * 10 ^5, 10 * 10 ^4, 1 * 10 ^ 3
1 answer