Simplify the following in one short sentence and give a short example
Practicality: Not every test that is reliable and valid is also useful. Psychologists and
psychometrists should determine whether a given test has utility
(Heidelberg Kalat, 2014). As a characteristic of a good test, practicality
(utility) refers to the ease and feasibility of the administering test.
Important questions need to be asked to determine the practicality of a
psychological measure. For example, is the information we are finding
out worth the processes we are using, or are there easier, more efficient
ways of ascertaining the same information about the test-taker?
1 answer
Not all reliable and valid tests are useful, so psychologists must assess if a test is practical by considering its ease of administration and usefulness in gathering relevant information. For example, is the information obtained worth the effort of administering the test, or are there simpler methods of obtaining the same information?