Simplify the following

Human development begins within a fraction of a second in one of the two fallopian
tubes (or oviducts) of the woman when a sperm (or sperm cell, the male sex cell) and an
egg cell or ovum (the female sex cell) unite. More specifically, the sperm penetrates the
egg cell. This process is known as conception or fertilisation. It takes place approximately
280 days before birth. The egg cells and sperm cells are known as gametes or sex cells.
The fertilised egg cell is called a zygote.

1 answer

Human development starts within moments when a sperm cell from the male merges with an egg cell from the female in one of the fallopian tubes. This union, called conception or fertilization, occurs about 280 days before birth. The sperm and egg are referred to as gametes, and the fertilized egg is known as a zygote.