SImplify the expressions.
1. x to the seventh times 1/x squared
2. (3 quaredx to the sixth)cubed
3. x to the nith/ x negitive squared
4. 15xsquaredy/ 6x to the fourthy to the fifth times 6xcubed y squared/5xy
USE direct substitution to evaluate the polynomial function for given x value.
5. f(x)= 4xcubed-6xsquared+2x-10 ; x=2
Use synthetic sub to evaluate th epolynomial function for the given vaule of x.
6. f(x)=8xto the fourth+5xcubed+4xsquared-x+7 ; x=-1
perform th eindicated operation to simplify each polynomial, write all answers in standered form
7. (3xsquared-5x+7)-(2xsquared+9x-1)
8. (5xcubed-2xsquared+8x)+(5xsquared-6)
9. (x+6)(x-8)
10. 2xsquared(-2xsquared+5x-6)
11. (3x-2)cubed
Factor each polynomaial completly
12. 64xcubed+343
13. 400xsquared-25
14. x to the fouth+8xsquared-9
15. 2xcubed-3xsquared+4x-6
Divide the polynomial function using long division
16. (12x cubed+31x squared-17x-6)/ (x+3)
Divide the polynomial function using synthetic division.
17. (x to the fourth+8xsquared-2)/ (x+2)
2 answers