Simplify into one fraction. Fraction 1: 8 times x over the quantity x minus 8; Fraction 2: 2 over the quantity x minus 8. Find Fraction 1 minus Fraction 2.

(1 point)

The quantity 8 times x plus 2 over the quantity x minus 8
Image with alt text: The quantity 8 times x plus 2 over the quantity x minus 8

The quantity 8 times x minus 2 over the quantity x minus 8
Image with alt text: The quantity 8 times x minus 2 over the quantity x minus 8

The quantity 8 times x plus 2 over the quantity x minus 8 squared
Image with alt text: The quantity 8 times x plus 2 over the quantity x minus 8 squared

The quantity 8 times x minus 2 over the quantity x minus 8 squared

1 answer

Image with alt text: The quantity 8 times x minus 2 over the quantity x minus 8 squared