(Simplified Water Bill Computation)

The bill for a water service subscriber is prepared as follows:
1. The name of the water consumer is entered
2. The previous water meter reading in cubic meters (reading last month) from the consumer’s meter is entered.
3. The present water meter reading in cubic meters (reading this month) from the consumer’s meter is entered. The present water meter reading cannot be less than the previous water meter reading.
4. The volume of water consumed (consumption) is computed by subtracting the previous reading from the present reading.
5. The classification of the consumer is entered ( commercial or residential )
6. The amount due from the consumer is computed based on the following

For residential consumers
If Cubic Meters Consumed is then Amount Due (pesos)
========================== ====================
Less than or equal to 12 180.00
More than 12 180.00 + (cubicMetersConsumed – 12)*30.00

For commercial consumers
If Cubic Meters Consumed is then Amount Due (pesos)
========================== ====================
Less than or equal to 30 600.00
More than 30 600.00 + (cubicMetersConsumed – 30)*50.00

7. The bill statement is prepared. The bill statement should show the name of the subscriber, the readings, the consumption and the amount due. You may include other appropriate details too.

Develop a program for the water billing problem described above. Provide validation of data entries so that the billing process will be constrained to dealing with valid values.