let the number of stamps that Simon has be x
then the number of stamps that Jimmy has be 167-x
Simon gives 4/7 of his to Trina, so he has (3/7)x left
Jimmy gives 37 to Trina, so he has 167-x - 37 or 130-x left
but now they have the same
solve : (3/7)x = 130 - x
hint: multiply both sides by 7 etc.
Simon and Jimmy had 167 stamps
altogether. Simon gave 4/7 of his stamps to Trina, and Jimmy gave 37 stamps to Trina. Simon and Jimmy had the same number of stamps left. How many stamps did Jimmy have in the beginning?
Please Help ME:
I need a formula
10 answers
Pretty sure it's 76.
Simon started with 91 and Jimmy started with 76. Trina has 89 when it is done.
I HAVE A QUESTION, IS IT 72 or 76, pls make sure it is correct and use a caculator if you must.
I checked and got 91 btw
Check your work it is 91
Simon has 91, but Jimmy had 76
91 for Simon in the BEGINNING and 76 for jimmy in the beggining