The area is 750 ft x (distance between the parallel sides).
The 750 is the average of top and bottom parallel side lengths.
The separation of the parallel sides, which is the height, is sqrt(250^2 - 250^2) = 0
The area is therefore zero.
Sidney told sam that that he would love a lot that is a trapeziod shape and is being sold for $25,000. It is a regular trapeziod with the top being 500' the sides being 250' each and the bottom being 1000'. George doesn't know if it's worth it so he wants to figure out the number of square feet and the number of scres he owuld be getting. if 43, 560 square feet are in an acre, how many square feet and acres are there total?
*I am confused on this problem of how to find the height of this trapezoid. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
1 answer