All of the above.
Sidhartha Gautama, also known as the Buddha, initially lived as a Hindu Prince in luxury and comfort. However, he became dissatisfied with his life and decided to relinquish his princely status in search of the ultimate truth and meaning of life.
He then lived among religious ascetics, abandoning material possessions and engaging in extreme practices of self-denial and mortification. However, after years of rigorous asceticism, Gautama realized that this extreme path did not lead to enlightenment and only caused him physical and mental suffering.
Therefore, Gautama decided to follow a different path, known as the middle way. He abandoned the extremes of self-indulgence and self-mortification and began meditating under the famous Bodhi tree. It was during this period of deep meditation and introspection that Gautama attained enlightenment and became the Buddha.
So, Siddhartha Gautama discovered the middle way enlightenment by experiencing and reflecting on the various aspects of his life, including his luxurious upbringing, his time among the ascetics, and his ultimate realization that enduring a life of suffering was not the key to enlightenment.
Sidhartha Gautama was able to discover the middle way enlightenment by?
Living as a Hindu Prince
Living among the religious ascetics
Meditating under the bodhi tree
Enduring a life of suffering
1 answer