Sid was asked to subtract 214 from 346. His work is shown.

Which statements are true about Sid's work? Check the TWO that apply.
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(2 points)
• Sid's answer of 32 is correct.
• Sid lined up the place values correctly.
• Sid forgot to subtract the hundreds place, so his answer is incorrect.
• Sid should have written 214 on top and 346 on bottom.

1 answer

To analyze Sid's work:

  1. Sid's answer of 32 is correct. - This statement is false. The correct answer for 346 - 214 is 132.

  2. Sid lined up the place values correctly. - This statement is true. The numbers are in the correct columns (hundreds, tens, and units).

  3. Sid forgot to subtract the hundreds place, so his answer is incorrect. - This statement is true. In his subtraction, he did not correctly account for the hundreds place (3 - 2), which led him to an incorrect answer.

  4. Sid should have written 214 on top and 346 on bottom. - This statement is false. It is standard to place the larger number on top when performing subtraction, which he did correctly.

So, the two true statements are:

  • Sid lined up the place values correctly.
  • Sid forgot to subtract the hundreds place, so his answer is incorrect.