If the events are independent, the probability of both/all events occurring is determined by multiplying the probabilities of the individual events.
a. .25 * .25 * .75 = ?
b. .75^3 = ?
I'll leave c and d for you.
Sickle cell anemia is a genetic blood disorder where red blood cells lose their flexibility and assume an abnormal, rigid, "sickle" shape, which results in a risk of various complications. If both parents are carriers of the disease, then a child has a 25% chance of having the disease, 50% chance of being a carrier, and 25% chance of neither having the disease nor being a carrier. If two parents who are carriers of the disease have 3 children, what is the probability that:
(a) two will have the disease?
(b) none will have the disease?
(c) at least one will neither have the disease nor be a carrier?
(d) the first child with the disease will the be 3rd child?
1 answer