Which intrapersonal conflict?
Conflict occurs when person needs decide between incompatible goals.
I. Approach-approach involves two or more positive goals. It is easily resolved (banana split/hot fudge sundae example).
II. Avoidance-avoidance involves two or more negative goals --> escape or avoid, whichever is possible (garbage, pit and pendulum examples).
III. Approach-avoidance involves one goal with both positive and negative qualities --> ambivalence and vacillation.
IV. Double approach-avoidance involves two or more goals, each with both positive and negative qualities --> ambivalence and vacillation (football vs. baseball captains as dates example).
V. Qualities common to all conflicts.
A. They are internal and subjective --> people don't necessarily perceive conflicts in the same way.
B. Avoidance gradient always steeper than approach gradient (abused wife example).
C. If conflict not resolved --> increased anxiety and reduced self-esteem.
Conflicts --> anxiety --> use of defense mechanisms, which are unconscious methods to defend ego and reduce anxiety.
show the link between intrapersonal conflict and initiating relationship
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