To calculate \( 0.0945 \times 1.47 \) while considering significant digits, follow these steps:
Step 1: Perform the Calculation
Using a calculator: \[ 0.0945 \times 1.47 = 0.139215 \]
Step 2: Determine the Significant Digits
Number of Significant Digits in Each Number
For 0.0945:
- There are four significant digits (9, 4, 5, and the leading zeros are not counted).
For 1.47:
- There are three significant digits (1, 4, and 7).
Step 3: Determine the Result's Significant Digits
When multiplying numbers, the final answer should be rounded to the same number of significant digits as the factor with the least significant digits.
- The number with the least significant digits is 1.47 (3 significant digits).
Step 4: Round the Calculator Answer
The calculator result is \( 0.139215 \). Since we need to round this to 3 significant digits, we look at the first three digits, \( 139 \), and the fourth digit, which is \( 2 \).
- Rounding \( 0.139 \) (when considering 3 significant digits):
- \( 0.139215 \) rounds to 0.139 (since the fourth digit \( 2 \) does not round the last significant digit up).
Final Answer
Calculator Answer: \( 0.139215 \)
Significant Digits Answer: 0.139
Number of Significant Digits: 3
- Calculated: \( 0.139215 \)
- Rounded (to 3 significant digits): \( 0.139 \)
- Significant Digits in Final Result: 3