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The character of Miri, the protagonist, is a notable example of why this novel is worth reading: as she is brave and confident and embodies many positive qualities.
When we first meet Miri , she is depicted as a typical girl; she enjoys running outside and being free and outdoors. She instantly relatable to young people because she is just so normal. However, as life is turned upside down by the invasion of the Nazis, we see Miri grow as a person. She risks her life to get Hinda to Mrs K. And as she fights for her rights and her life.
For example, after Papa and Zalmen get taken to the death camp, she is determined to not lose any more family members or loved ones. When Mama is lying on the bed after she had her fall she says: "Promise me, Miri. Promise me you'll try to survive." (p.167).

With her unwavering courage and unbreakable spirit, Miri serves as a shining example of our true potential when faced with challenging circumstances. Her determination to protect those dear to her is a testament to the strength of the human spirit. Thus, it is truly inspiring to witness her inspiring qualities brought to life through literature.

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Miri is a brave and confident protagonist in the novel who grows as a person while fighting for her rights and life during the Nazi invasion. She is relatable and embodies many positive qualities, including unwavering courage and an unbreakable spirit. Her determination to protect loved ones is inspiring and a testament to the strength of the human spirit.
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The setting is a really vital component to the novel 'Within these walls' by Robyn Bavati, as is creates moods such as depressing and grim settings to convey the horrors of the war. This is also really important as it shows the peace and the good times that are showing rather than the war and all the bombing, death, ‘and heartbreak.
The setting begins with Miri and her family before the war, they are living in peace. When Miri visits her cousin Sol, she has a wonderful time. This makes the setting absolutely unique as they are surrounded by good thoughts and nothing of the war. Additionally, the audience will love the settings as it puts an amazing picture in your head.

 Another example is when Miri went to visit her cousins. The setting is really important to this as it shows the peaceful atmosphere from before they had to live in the ghetto. The described the setting as 'Sky was a brilliant blue', 'Gentle breeze' and ' long scraggly grass. ' This setting is important as it shows a strong mood, as she says things like 'A gaping hole in the heart' describing the experience of loneliness. This is important as this also shows Miri's resilience.

Overall, the setting has literary value as the story plays a crucial role in creating a sense of mood and atmosphere throughout the novel.
The setting in 'Within These Walls' creates moods such as depression and peace, conveying the horrors of war and the good times before it. The peaceful setting before the war, such as when Miri visits her cousins, is described in detail, creating an image for the audience. This setting is important as it shows the character's resilience and creates a sense of atmosphere throughout the novel.
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The author of the text is Robyn Bavati. She shows a wide range of language features and text structures that help convey the story.
Robyn Bavati creates imagery as she puts a picture in your head and she shows this by using thing dialogue. They have represented the characters and Miri excellent as they have really put in depth of the characters relationships between them and their personalities.

For example, when Miri was taken in by Mr Sobczak, she was left in the cellar so no other person could see her. Although she did not say much, but she did try to keep herself entertained. She did not get much to eat or drink only cup of water and a single potato but she still pushed on. She had thoughts like “Living in the cellar was unbelievably lonely” pg224 and “I often cried myself to sleep, until there were no more tears.” Pg224.

As a result, the author shows an excellent as she adds dialogue. Thus, this is a must read book for all of the year sevens.
Robyn Bavati uses language features and text structures to convey the story effectively. She creates imagery and represents the characters well, showing their relationships and personalities. Dialogue is used to show Miri's experience while living in the cellar, where she struggled with loneliness and cried herself to sleep. The book is a must-read for Year 7 students.